Activities Setup for Device and Access Manager

Louise Whalley Updated by Louise Whalley

1    Activities on Advanced Device and Activities Manager

1.1 Setting up Activities

Before an activity can be assigned to the T2 Terminal, it needs to be imported. To do this open the Tools section via the menu on the left-hand side. In the “Activity code import” box, click “Import Activity Codes”


This will open a window that will prompt you to upload a CSV file. The CSV file will need to have the following 4 headers with the same capitalisations and no spaces on line 1 of the file. For example, ExternalId cannot be written as External Id or the import will not work.

(A Comma Separated Values (CSV) file is a plain text file that contains a list of data. Each row in the data represents a row on a table and each column of the table is separated by commas).

"ExternalId","Name","Description","ExternalReference" The data definition for each column of the CSV file

Column Name (Character limit)

Input Data Definition

ExtenalId (200)

A unique ID assigned to every Activity

Name (200)

The name of the Activity

Description (255)

A brief description of the Activity

ExternalReference (200)

This is used for the configuration of TAS codes


Example of file used to upload Activities

IMPORTANT: CSV files define columns with commas. Because of this when entering multiple TAS codes that are separated with commas you must ensure that the entire string is encapsulated in “ “. If this is not done correctly then the import will fail.

4.2 Assigning Activities

Once the Activities have been successfully imported, they can then be assigned to the T2 Terminal. To do this click the ⋮ on the T2 Terminal that you want to assign the activity to (Sites > “Select a business location” > ⋮)


Click Manage Activities


This will open a list on the left-hand side of the screen with all the Activities available listed. The number to the right of the search bar reflect the total number of Activities. Users can scroll down and select the Activities they want to be assigned to that specific terminal. The menu will load in 20 Activities and 20 more when the user scrolls to the 20th item on the list.


If the Business has many Activities, then a search can be used, the number to the right of the search bar will update to show the total number of search results.

To save the Activities to the T2 Terminal click “Save and close”




4.4 Enabling Activity buttons on T2 Device


From the Device and Access Manager portal select the required T2 Device and click  ⋮ against the device to access the settings

Select the Device screen and the desired Home Screen Layout Settings:


When each selection is made the Device screen will change as below:





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