Firmware Release 2.6.0
Updated by Louise Whalley
This page outlines the improved functionality included in the firmware update available on Wednesday 2nd October 2024.
Custom Device Screens with Weather Displays
What have we done?
We have introduced a new feature for Custom Device screens, this will allow users to configure if they wish to display the weather along with any notices.
Why have we done this?
To increase the interaction staff have with our T2 Devices.
How will you benefit?
Users can now display custom notices on their T2 devices for staff, these notices display on the T2 screen saver on a scrolling basis. There is also an option to display the weather at the current location of the T2 through on screen displays and screen savers.
Details of the change
Global Device Settings now includes the options to configure devices globally for weather, users will also be able to add notice text to display on the T2 screen saver screen, these notices will scroll through whilst the screen saver is active on the T2 Device. Firmware Release 2.6.0 or later will be required in order to see these notices on the devices.
Example Weather Display on T2 homepage:
Weather display on T2 Screen saver with notice displays:
ASCII encoded prox cards
What have we done?
We have extended the Firmware and Portal to support ASCII encoded MIFARE cards.
Why have we done this?
This increases the number of different types of cards we can support.
How will you benefit?
Users with now be able to define ASCII encoded against the valid prox cards settings within the Portal.
Details of the change
On the prox device settings against a selected device there are new options for users to select the Data encoding type, currently Integer or ASCII are available. Firmware Release 2.6.0 or later will be required to support these card types on the devices.
UX Review - End User Screens
What have we done?
We have continued with a UX Review and have now extended this to the end user screens of the T2 such as enrolment, home screens and clockings.
Why have we done this?
To improve navigation and usability.
How will you benefit?
Easier to navigate.
Details of the change
Slight changes have been made to the user interface on the T2 devices, which improve the navigation for end users.
Onsite/Offsite support
What have we done?
We had added to the clocking transactions recorded at a T2 to include an onsite/offsite status.
Why have we done this?
To support onsite/offsite functionality.
How will you benefit?
Onsite/Offsite status will now be recorded and passed as part of the clocking transaction into the Portal.
Details of the change
Onsite/offsite status is now supported by the T2 hardware, additional functionality to support this will be detailed in a future release of the Portal and PeopleConnect products. Supporting from the T2 allows this new product feature to progress for future delivery.
Remove 'Internet Connection' from device connectivity page
What have we done?
We have removed the Internet connection check.
Why have we done this?
The URL to support this feature is no longer in use.
How will you benefit?
As the URL is not in use, this adds no specific benefit to being in the UI.
Details of the change
The 'Internet Connection' check has been removed from the UI on the Device Connectivity page, as the URL is no longer in use this adds no benefit to the end users being available in the UI.