
Portal Release notes 20240821

Louise Whalley Updated by Louise Whalley

View Status - IP Display

What have we done?

We now display the Wi-Fi, Ethernet and Public IP Address of a device on the View Status screen.

Why have we done this?

To allow the IP Address of a specific device to be identified via the portal rather than visiting the physical device.

How will you benefit?

IP Addresses of Devices can now be checked via the portal for devices that are online.

Details of the change

Wi-Fi, Ethernet and Public IP Addresses of a device are now displayed on the view status screen for online devices.

If a device is offline the IP address could have changed since the Portal last received an update from the device.

Offline Email Alerts email limits

What have we done?

Ensured that the correct number of email limits are displayed on the screen.

Why have we done this?

So that users know how many email addresses are supported using this feature.

How will you benefit?

Greater user experience as the screen now shows a maximum of 5 emails addresses can be supported.

Details of the change

Text added to the configuration screen to alerts users that the feature supports up to 5 email addresses.

Terminal LED's default to off for New Devices

What have we done?

Made a change so that the Terminal background LED's default to 'Off' when adding a new terminal.

Why have we done this?

To allow users to control when this option is in use.

How will you benefit?

This will allow the users to control when the background LED's are in use.

Details of the change

New Terminals added to the system will have the LED Settings on the Device screen defaulting to off, end users can change this to on at any point in time. This setting is controlled at specific device level.

Unicode Support

What have we done?

Ensured that Unicode characters are available for use.

Why have we done this?

To Ensure full character set is supported.

How will you benefit?

You will now be able to enter special Unicode characters such as é.

Details of the change

Unicode characters can now be entered within the application such as é.

After reviewing the clocking's it may be decided that they are acceptable and shouldn’t be flagged in future.

Selecting a clocking will allow it to be flagged. Unless a clocking was accepted this was not added back into the model generation.

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