Activities on T2 Terminals

Louise Whalley Updated by Louise Whalley

1    Activities on the T2 Terminal

Activities is used by workers on the T2 to quickly track their time doing tasks in a non-office-based work environment. It is possible to quit the process and return to the home screen at any point during the activities feature. To navigate to the feature, press the “Change Activities” button on the home page; the User Select page will then be displayed. A user may select themselves via face recognition, fingerprint, proximity card, or badge number. The T2 will then navigate to the Activity Select Page.

The Activity Select page displays the list of activities stored on the device. To select an activity, click on the row displaying the activity. The blue icon displayed with each activity, when clicked on, will display a pop up containing a description of the activity.

Once the activity has been selected and the data will be stored locally on the T2 and then sent to Advanced Device and Access Manager Portal. The T2 will then navigate to Success Screen.

The Success screen displays information about the user and details about the selected activity. This page will timeout to the home screen.

If only one activity is assigned to a terminal the Change activity button on the home screen layout will change to display the name of the activity.

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Activities Setup for Device and Access Manager
