
Portal Release Notes 20241106

Louise Whalley Updated by Louise Whalley

Wednesday 6th November 2024.

This page outlines the change we have deployed on Wednesday 6th November 2024.

Onsite/Offsite Status

What have we done?

We have added support for an individuals status on site to be defined from a clocking or activity transaction.

Why have we done this?

To allow T2 devices to mark a users clocking or activity as them being onsite or offsite.

How will you benefit?

Greater flexibility for users to remain clocked into work, although marked as working offsite and vice versa.

Details of the change

A new setting has been added to the Overview tab against the device, this new setting will allow a user to select if this device will control a users onsite/offsite status.

Once the user selects yes, additional settings are then available to determine the actions to follow when a user clocks in or out at this device:

Support has also been added to the Activities functionality so that an Activity can flag if a user is considered as onsite or offsite. Additional documentation can be found here to support this configuration/setup.

PeopleConnect Release 20241104 is required to support this functionality, along with Firmware Release 2.6.0 on the required devices.

Device Notices Character Limit

What have we done?

We have reduced the character limits on the Device notices created in the Web Portal.

Why have we done this?

To ensure consistency between the Web Portal and what the end users see on the Device screen.

How will you benefit?

The whole notice created in the Web Portal will now be displayed on the device screen, previously the time out bar was shadowing some on the content making it difficult to read.

Details of the change

The Device Notice Title has been reduced from 50 Characters to 40 characters and the Notice Description has been reduced from 200 characters to 190 characters.

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Portal Release notes 20241002
