
Portal Release notes 20250129

Louise Whalley Updated by Louise Whalley

Wednesday 29th January 2025.

This page outlines the change we have deployed on Wednesday 29th January 2025.

Integration to Fire Alarm interface from a T2 Device

What have we done?

We have extended the current Fire Alarm integration for Time & Attendance for the T2 hardware devices.

Why have we done this?

To allow alarms from fire panels to be received by T2 devices.

How will you benefit?

For customers moving away from older ranges of clocks, this now allows Fire Alarm interface units to be wired into T2 devices and configured within the Firmware.

Details of the change

Full documentation to support this new feature can be found here.

This release will need the latest install of PeopleConnect Version 20250117, the firmware release 2.7.0 and a T2 with an Access Control backboard fitted.

Update to Sender Email Address for Offline email Alerts

What have we done?

We have updated the sender email address to address.

Why have we done this?

To make it clearer where this email is coming from to the recipient.

How will you benefit?

You should now be able to identify clearly from the sender, which part of the system this is coming from and that it relates to you devices onsite.

Details of the change

Offline and online email alerts will now come from the sender email account

Changing a Pin location on the map when postcodes are changed

What have we done?

Ensuring that when the Postcode is changed against a site this is reflecting correctly on the Pin visible on the Map display.

Why have we done this?

To ensure the correct map location is displayed against all sites.

How will you benefit?

You will now see the correct pin on the map view for the current postcode assigned against the site created. If this is then updated the updated map pin will represent the location of the new post code on the map view.

Details of the change

Pin locations visible on the sites, map view:

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