
Louise Whalley Updated by Louise Whalley


On the Sites page, you can create and manage your Sites. A Site is the highest-level view of your organisation and acts as the ‘parent’ of your individual clocking terminals and access control solutions for your business.


 1.1 Site Navigation

On the left-hand side of the Sites page, you will see a list of your currently available Sites. Each Site that was added using the postcode finder will also be represented on the global map on the right-hand side of the page by an icon. Hovering over a Site’s icon on the map will display the name of that Site.


The Sites will be organised in alphabetical order, but you can also use the Search bar to filter your Sites – click the search bar and type your Site’s name to filter out the others.

Each Site in the left-hand side list can be managed from this page, allowing you to View, Edit or Delete them. Click the kebab menu (three vertical dots) to the right of the Site to open the menu:

Viewing a Site will take you to the Areas page for that Site (you can also click the blue arrow to quickly get to this screen), while edit lets you change the name, address and telephone number for the Site. Delete allows you to remove the Site (and all associated Areas and Devices) from Device and Access Manager.


 1.2 Adding a new Site

You can add a new Site by clicking the new site button at the top of the Sites page.

This will open the Add new site page. Enter the new Site’s details:

·       Site name

·       Address – this will be used to locate the Site on the map. Enter the site’s postcode and use the Find address button to choose the address or click enter address manually to manually enter the Site’s address.


 Once you have entered all of the details, click Create site. The Site will now appear in the Site list.


1.2 Editing Sites

Sites can be managed from this page by clicking the Edit button in the kebab menu.

You can edit several pieces of information on the Edit site page:

·       Site name – the name of your Site

·       Site address – the address of your site (which will be used to place it onto the map in the Sites screen)


If you make any changes on this screen, ensure that you click the Save changes button. If you navigate away from the page, your changes will not be saved (Device and Access Manager will notify you of this).

You can also delete a Site by clicking the Delete site button in the Site's kebab menu. A confirmation box will appear to confirm deletion:

Note: You can only delete a Site if it has no Devices assigned to it.

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